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Q. Does SSI fund proposals or training workshops?
SSI is not a funding agency and therefore does not provide funds for research proposals or training workshops.  The mandate of SSI is to promote intercontinental and interregional research collaborations among scientists in disease endemic countries of Asia, Africa, South America and partners in the North by promoting utilization and access to common resources, applications of cutting-edge technologies, sharing information and complementary expertise among investigators and institutions of disease endemic countries.
Q. How do I find a partner for the development of a proposal?
SSI has developed a website where investigators can register as network members.  Information, i.e. name, institution, address, phone, email and field of expertise are available in a database, which can be searched using keywords. Partners can also be found in other databases, eg SHARED (Scientists for health and research for development) at http://www.shared-global.org, and by consultations in PubMed (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov).
Q. What is the level of funding by PAG for the SSI proposals?
A. SSI proposals may receive up to $US 70,000 for per year for a maximum of 2 years.
Q. What is the maximum duration of the project if approved by PAG?
A. The duration of a project approved by PAG is for 2 year.
Q. Can the project be renewed by PAG?
A. The project approved and funded for the first year can be renewed by PAG for the second year provided that the progress report is satisfactory.
Q. Can the project continue after two years of funding?
A. The project can be presented as a new proposal and therefore submitted to the same rules described above.
Q. Which countries are eligible for the SSI?
A. All disease-endemic countries are eligible.
Q. Can I have a partner from the USA, Europe, Australia, etc.?
The SSI encourages intercontinental collaborations, particularly those from disease-endemic countries.  Colleagues from USA, Europe, Australia, etc. are more than welcome as consultants (not as PIs of the proposal) since their suggestions would be extremely beneficial to the projects.

Can a scientist from disease endemic countries working in the USA, Europe, Australia, etc. present a proposal to SSI?

A. No. The proposal should be developed in a disease endemic country.
Q. How is the budget divided between partners?
The amount of fund awarded for a recommended SSI project can be up to $US 70,000 per annum.  The budget divided between partners does not necessary be equal among the partners.
Q. What is capacity building in the frame of PAG/SSI ?
Capacity building includes training of personnel, purchase of equipment, and research skill required to conduct the proposed research.
Q. What are the selection criteria?
Apart from the scientific merit (merit received with respect to the quality of the proposal, design, methodology, feasibility, etc), scientific relevance (relevance of the proposal in relation to the current knowledge) and the scientific excellence of the research groups, additional criteria for selecting the SSI project include equal partnership/ownership of the results, complementary research expertise and infrastructure, and opportunity for technology sharing.
Q. Can a South-South proposal be submitted to PAG without a previous letter of intent?
Yes, a South-South proposal can be submitted directly to PAG for funding without a previous letter of intent.
Q. What is the advantage of holding an SSI proposal?
Advantages include opportunities for sharing complementary expertise, transferring technology and strengthening of research capabilities between the partners.
Q. What are the TDR diseases?
TDR focuses on neglected diseases that affect poor and marginalized populations.  Currently, TDR focuses on 10 diseases of human importance.  For more detail, please visit http://www.who.int/tdr/diseases/default.htm.
Q. How can I get more information on TDR?
A. The URL of the TDR homepage is www.who.int/tdr/.  One can sign up the TDR-scientists email list to receive TDR regular news and announcements.

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Webmaster: www@ssi-tdr.net
Since: June 18, 2003