About SSI
 Call for LOI
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Grant Writing
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A total of 10 ASEAN Foundation Scholarships are available. Those interested please click here for further information.
TDR has put together very nice animated-life cycles of T. brucei, T. cruzi and L. major.  Viewing the animation requires Flash Player.  Please click here for more information.
A significant movement at political level on South-South Research Collaboration between Kenya and Argentina: A group of paliament members from Kenya recently visited the Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingenieria Genetic y Biologa Molecular, Argentina. Click here to view a group photo
Adequation Germany is an international non-profit organization of which the main focus is to provide used lab equipment and training to scientists in need across the world. Application is required to ensure that the requested equipment can be used by the applicants.  Please click here for more detailed information.
TDR invites proposals for Career Development Grants on the applications of bioinformatics and functional genomics focusing on the understanding of the biology and pathogenesis of, and identification of new targets for development of drugs, vaccines and diagnostics for, TDR's ten target diseases. Grant recipients are expected to develop their research in association with the TDR-supported Regional Training Centers, i.e. African National Bioinformatics Institute, Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA , University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, BRAZIL and Mahidol University, Bangkok, THAILAND The selected project wil receive budget ranging from US$ 25,000 - US$ 30,000 per year and will be supported for up to 3 years based on successful performance. For further information, please contact Dr. Hashim Ghalib
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: A training workshop on "Ethical Considerations and Biomedical Use of Non-Human Primates for Research in Tropical Diseases" will be held at Institute of Primate Research, National Museums of Kenya IPR-NMK, Nairobi, Kenya between June 18-27, 2007. The application deadline is April 14, 2007. For further details of the workshop, please click here
Call for Application: HHMI/EMBO/TDR practical course on Functional Genomics of Malaria Parasites to be held at BIOTEC, Bangkok, Thailand on Mar 18 - 27, 2007.  Deadline for application is Oct 31, 2006Click hear to obtain detailed information.
EMBO course on Comparative Genomics will be held at Oswaldo Cruz Institute, FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil during Arpil 8-14, 2007. Only 20 participants will be selected. The application deadline is December 17, 2006. Click here to obtain detailed information.
TDR is calling for applications for the Award of Research Training Grants (RTG) for 2007 The priority of the awards will be given to applications from the least developed countries (LDC). The deadline for the application is November 15, 2006. Please click here for more detailed information.
"SSI-TDR requests information and progress from South-South projects "that have been supported by TDR since 2002. Please kindly update the information and provide abstract from the progress/or final report. Please also attach the pdf files of the publications resulting from the support (if any).
The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) has been awarded a contract from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to establish a Pathogen Functional Genomics Resource Center (PFGRC). The PFGRC will provide scientists with a centralized resources necessary to conduct functional genomics studies on a variety of pathogens for which genomic sequence information is currently, or will soon be, available. The near-term goals of the PFGRC are to provide microarray, genotyping, clone access, bioinformatics, and repository support surrounded by a Center-Client web-based interface allowing access to resource acquisition, data, and data analysis.  Further information can be obtained from  NIAID PFGRC web site. The application process for the NIDCR supported DNA microarrays can be found at
TDR invites African nationals from malaria endemic countries who work in developing countries to apply for a 12-month career development fellowship on Clinical Research & Development at TDR and with GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals. The training will involve attending GLP workshops and training on various aspects of clinical development of candidate malaria vaccines. Click here for more information.
TDR invites applications from universities, research institutions and research organization in Latin America for a Program Grant to develop regional training center and networks in bioinformatics and functional genomics applied to insect vectors of human diseases.  The application deadline is September 29, 2006Click hear to read the detailed information.
TDR career development fellowships in synthetic/medicinal chemistry : Fellows will engage in the synthesis of analogues of TDR lead compounds to explore SAR and optimize anti-parasitic activity at desinated TDR medicinal chemistry centers. Click here to obtain more detailed information.
Medline/PubMed Search tool in multiple languages and new contact address for HINARI users. Click for further details.
The University of KwaZulu-Natal,School of Family & Public Health, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine is hosting an Epi Course (IEA International Course on Epidemiological Methods Durban, South Africa) which is scheduled early next year (29 January - 9 February 2007).  The deadline for receipt of applications is 15th October 2006.  Please visit www.dundee.ac.uk/iea for more information.
TDR/EMBO/Biosciences East and Central Africa is organizing a practical course on "RNA interference and reverse genetics in trypanosomes" in Nairobi, Kenya during December 4-15, 2006.  Click here for the announcement.  Those interested can apply online at http://cwp.embo.org/wpc06-01. The application deadline is May 31, 2006.   
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta and the Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD) in France are coorganizing the 8th International Meeting on "Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Infectious Diseases" (MEEGID VIII) during 30th November - 2nd December, 2006, The Royal River Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. Those who are interested, please visit the website
TDR invites applications to participate a 3-day "train the trainers" course on "Writing a journal article- and getting it published" Application deadline is September 29, 2006.  The number of participants will be limited only to 8.  Click hear to obtain detailed information.
An advanced course on Immunology, vaccinology and biotechnology applied to Infectious Diseases will be held at WHO Immunology Research and Training Centre, Lausanne, Switzerland from September 6- October 21, 2006.  The deadline for the application is April 28, 2006.  Click here for more information.
HFSP Course in Bioinformatics and Post Genomic Molecular Cell Biology of African Trypanosomes and Malaria for African Scientists will be held in Kampala, Uganda between 17th to 21st  July 2006.  Applications deadline is 30th May 2006.  Click here for more detailed information of the course.
TDR-supported regional training centers at Mahidol University, Thailand and African Center for Training in Functional Genomics of Insect Vectors of Human Diseases (AFRO VECTGEN) at Mali, Africa invite applications for the 3rd Training Course on Functional Genomics of Insect Vectors of Human Diseases. The course at Mahidol University will be held from October 2-13, 2006, whereas the course at Mali will be from November 29 - December 13, 2006. Those interested can visit the course websites and submit the electronic application form.
The 5th Regional Training Course on Bioinformatics Applied to Tropical Diseases Research will be held at CBAG, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Thailand on September 18-29, 2006. Application deadline is August 7, 2006.  Those interested please visit the course website CLICK HERE
TDR invites applications from physicians from DECs to attend GCP training course"Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Course for potential TDR clinical monitors" The course include both theoretical and practical activities in GCP and will be held in Asia in August 2006. Application deadline is March 13, 2006. For detailed information, please visit Click here for more information.
"ICOPA XI" Eleventh International Congress of Parasitology, from 6-11 August 2006, Glasgow Scotland UK. Visit http://www.icopaxi.org/.for more details.
BIOMALPAR in partnership with MIM/TDR is calling for research proposals to promote young African scientists.  The area of focus will be on biology and pathology of malaria parasite.  The amount of support can be up to Euro 100,000 per year over a period of up to 3 years. The deadline for the application is January 31, 2006. Click here for more informaiton on guideline for the proposal, eligibility, etc
FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT: To allow sufficient time to identify partners and to develop joint research plans, SSI announces the first announcement of a "Call for LOIs" for collaborative research proposals to be considered for funding by the TDR Steering Committee of PAG in 2007. Online submission of LOIs will be opened from 30th March to 7th June, 2006. Please CLICK HERE for more information on the FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT.
Free publications of the proceedings of the joint WHO/TDR, NIAID, IAEA and Frontis workshop on "Bridging Laboratory and Field Research for Genetic Control of Disease Vectors" held in Nairobi, Kenya between 14-16 July, 2004 are available for download at Click here
Medline/PubMed Search tool in multiple languages and new contact address for HINARI users. Click for further details.
The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) has been awarded a contract from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to establish a Pathogen Functional Genomics Resource Center (PFGRC). The PFGRC will provide scientists with a centralized resources necessary to conduct functional genomics studies on a variety of pathogens for which genomic sequence information is currently, or will soon be, available. The near-term goals of the PFGRC are to provide microarray, genotyping, clone access, bioinformatics, and repository support surrounded by a Center-Client web-based interface allowing access to resource acquisition, data, and data analysis.  Further information can be obtained from  NIAID PFGRC web site. The application process for the NIDCR supported DNA microarrays can be found at www.nidcr.nih.gov more detail click here
Latin American Course on Bioinformatics for Tropical Disease Research supported by UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/WHO will be held at the Departments of Parasitology and Computer Science, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil from January 16th to January 28nd, 2006. Click here for more details.
TDR is calling for applications for the Award of Research Training Grants for 2006. Individuals who are nationals of, and employed in, least developed disease endemic countries (LDC) and developing disease endemic countries (DEC) with lesser developed research capacities are encoraged to apply. The deadline is 15 November 2005. Click here for more information.
The Sixth Framework Programme of European Commission (EC) is calling FP6 STREP proposals. The deadline is November 9, 2005. Click here for further detail.
Opportunity for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Brazil Click here
Opportunity for a post with competitive salary. Click here for more information.
The 2005 Molecular Parasitology Meeting will be held Sunday September 11 - Thursday September 15 at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA (USA). Abstract and Registration deadline is June 15, 2005. Please visit click here for further information.
Fifth Workshop of South-South Initiative for Tropical Diseases Research will be held in Bangkok (Thailand) from October 21-24, 2005. Meeting of the coordinators will be from October 19-20, 2005 to report, evaluate and plan for future SSI activities.
The Center for Bioinformatics Applied to Genomics (CBAG), Mahidol University, Thailand is calling for application to attend the 4th Regioanl Training Course on "Bioinformatics Applied to Tropical Diseases in Southeast Asia" which will be held at CBAG from October 3-14, 2005. The deadline for receiving the application is August 12, 2005. Those interested to apply please visit the course website
The Center for Bioinformatics Applied to Genomics (CBAG) and the Center for Vector and Vector-Borne Diseases, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Thailand are calling for application to attend the 2nd Training Course on "Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics of Insect Vectors of Human Diseases" which will be held at CBAG from September 19-30, 2005. The deadline for receiving the application is August 5, 2005. Those interested to apply please visit the course website
The South African Research Ethics Training Initiative (SARETI) announces the availability of fellowships that offer full financial support for up to six short-term Fellows for professionals involved in health ethics and health research and who are resident in Africa. Applications for the 2006 programmes (which start on January 20th 2005) are invited. The closing date for applications is 30th July 2005. Click here for more detail.
The UNICEF /UNDP /World Bank /WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) invites proposals that focus on the identification and validation of molecular targets, and the development of suitable assays, with the goal of taking the targets into high throughput screening campaigns to identify leads to drugs to treat the TDR diseases.  Application deadline is 30 May 2005.  Enquiries should be addressed to: Dr Mary M Bendig, Genomes and Discovery Research, WHO/TDR, 21 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva Switzerland. E-mail: bendigm@who.int
The Life Science Mobility Portal has database containing data from various funding agencies and a variety of different grant schemes in Europe, USA and Canada. Please visit the website to obtain more information and to search for funding bodies and schemes that suite your needs. more detail click here
SSI invites submission of LOIs for collaborative research proposals to be considered for funding by PAG in 2006. Online submission can be done through ssi website (www.ssi-tdr.net). Deadline for submission is July 19, 2005. Click here for more info.
The Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases(TDR) and the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WPRO) invite nationals from the WHO Western Pacific Countries (WPR) to apply for a 12-24 month Career Development Fellowship (CDF) on project management.The training involves a placement in the WHO Regional Office (Manila)working with the professional staff involved in the Divisions of Combating Communicable Diseases (DCC). All applications (e-mail only) must be received by 30 June 2005 at rcstraining@who.int
     Additional information please contact Dr. Steven Wayling, Manager-Research TrainingSpecial Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, World Health Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland.
E-mail: waylings@who.int
The Annual Conference on Vaccine Research (2005) will be held in Baltimore, Maryland, USA May 9-11, 2005. The conference is sponsored by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation given to The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID). Travel awards are available to help vaccine and infectious disease researchers in countries with limited resources to attend this conference. Those interested can visit www.nfid.org/conferences/vaccine05 to obtain further information, specific program requirements and application.
Keystone Symposia is hosting series of meetings. There are two recommended meetings in the area of infectious diseases (April 9-13, 2005, Colorado), i.e. Molecular Helminthology: An Integrated Approach (X5) and Drugs Against Protozoan Parasites: Target Selection, Structural Biology and Medicinal Chemistry (X6). Those interested please visit Keystone Symposia website www.keystonesymposia.org under Infectious Diseases category for further information.
An international conference on "Fifty years of discovery of triple helical structure of collagen: Progress and Perspectives" will be held at University of Pune during January 21-22, 2005 to commemorate the discovery of triple helical structure of collagen by Prof. G. N. Ramachandran and Dr. G Katha. The call for Abstracts and the registration are now open. For more information, please visit http://bioinfo.ernet.in/collagen
Joint EMBO/TDR course (in English) on "RNAi and reverse genetics in trypanosomes" will be held between 10-21, Juanuary 2005 at Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, Accra, Ghana. Application forms are available at: www.embo.org Those interested can send completed application forms via e-mail to Dr. Christine Clayton by 11th October 2004.
The Malaria Research and Training Center (MRTC), Bamako, Mali and The Center for Bioinformatics Applied to Gonomics (CBAG), Mahidol University, Thailand are organizing back-to-back training courses on Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics of Insect Vectors of Human Diseases. The course at MRTC, Mali will be from Dec 1-16, 2004 whereas the course at CBAG, Thailand will be from Jan 17 - 28, 2005. Both courses are currently calling for applications. Those interested please visit the course websites for further information and application.
The 17th FAOBMB Symposium / 2nd IUBMB Special Meeting / 7th A-IMBN Conference will be held at The Imperial Queen's Park Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand from November 22-26, 2004. The theme of this symposium is "Genomics and Health in the 21st Century", which will cover a wide range of modern advances in the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology, ranging from "Human Health and Diseases", "Drug Discovery and Toxicology" to "Food, Agriculture and Environment". Those interested please refer to www.thaibmbsymp2004.org for more information.
ASTMH 53th Annual Meeting will be held at Fontainebleau Hilton, Miami Beach, Florida, USA from November 7-11, 2004. Details can be obtained at www.astmh.org/meetings/53rd_call_for_papers.html. Prior to ASTMH Annual Meeting, there will be a session on NIH Grantwriting Workshop on November 6-7 given by Beth Fischer- University of Pittsburgh. Those interested, please contact Dr. Barbara Sina
Those who work on Malaria may be interested to visit www.rph.wa.gov.au This is the malaria education site from Royal Perth Hospital,Wellington St, Perth, Western Australia. The site contains sections on Diagnosis, Prophylaxis, Treatment and History as well as an innovative interactive "Test & Teach" self assessment module and is available in three different languages (English, Spanish and French). This is an ideal site highly recommended for Clinicians, Scientists, Healthcare Professionals and Students. The CD-ROM version with the same content as the web site is now in production and will be ready for distribution in September 2004 (FREE) to institutions without, or with only limited internet access. Those interested in receiving the CDs, please address the request for CDs to: sandy.treadgold@health.wa.gov.au
Advanced course on Immunology,Vaccinology and Biotechnology Applied to Infectious Diseases will be held at the WHO Immunology Research and Training Centre, Lausanne, Switzerland from September 8 - October 24, 2004. For further information, please contact Dr. P. Launois, UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), Fax: 41-22 791 4854.
The 2004 Molecular Parasitology Meeting will be held Sunday September 19 - Thursday September 23 at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA (USA). Abstract and registration deadline: June 30, 2004. Please refer to www.mbl.edu/mpm/mpm-2004 for on-line registration, abstract submission, and further information.
An International Workshop on Pathogen Trypanosomes - Mammalian Host-Cell Interactions: Biochemistry, Cell Biology and Prospects for Drug Development will be held at Center for Free Radical and Biomedical Research (CFRBR), Departamento de Bioquimica. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo, Uruguay from September 26- October 8, 2004. Applications are being invited. The deadline is May 31, 2004. Those interested please visit for more information. more details
The UNICEF/ UNDP/ World Bank/ WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) is now inviting applications for the award of Research Training Grants (RTG) from individuals who are nationals of, and employed in, least developed disease endemic countries (LDC) and developing disease endemic countries (DEC) with lesser developed research capacities. The wards will be on a competitive basis, for studies leading to a postgraduate degree, or for acquiring specialized skills on TDR target diseases. The deadline for receiving the application is 31 October 2004. All applications must be sent to Steven Wayling, Manager - Research Training UNICEF/ UNDP/ World Bank/ WHO Special Programme for Research And Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) E-mail: :RCStraining@who.int
The 2004 Molecular Parasitology Meeting will be held Sunday September 19 - Thursday September 23 at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA (USA). Abstract and registration deadline: June 30, 2004. Please refer to www.mbl.edu/mpm/mpm-2004 for on-line registration, abstract submission, and further information.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HMMI) International Research Scholar Program is calling applications on Grants for Biomedical Research "Infectious Diseases and Parasitology 2005". The deadline for web-based submission of the application is September 15, 2004. Those interested please contact HHMI at: 301-215-8758 or e-mail 2004InvCompetition@hhmi.org
John E. Forgarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences has a number of "US-Foreign Scientists" grants and fellowships for biomedical research and trainings. For more information, please visit click here
HealthNet News, an electronic newsletter disseminated via email by SATELLIFE, is offered FREE of charge to health professionals in developing countries as an informational tool to strengthen their efforts in combating such epidemics. Healthnet News consists of current, peer-reviewed abstracts and articles from leading medical journals, such as Clinial Infectious Diseases, the Journal of Tropical Medicine and International Health, Journal Watch, The Lancet, British Medical Journal and many more. Upon subscribing, Healthnet News will provide research updates, review articles and summaries on a range of health issues from malaria and HIV co-infection to cardiovascular disease. To receive this free weekly publication via email, please send your subscription requests to info@healthnet.org.
CALL FOR LETTER OF INTENT: SSI is now calling for Letter of Intent for South-South collaborative proposals, preferentially intercontinental (Africa, Asia and Latin America) collaboration. The deadline for submission of Letter of Intent is July 5, 2004. Further details can be obtained from call for letter of intent2004.doc
The 2004 Gordon Conference on the Biology of Host-Parasite Interactions will be held June 27 - July 2, 2004 at Salve Regina College in Newport, Rhode Island, a wonderful location, situated along the Cliff Walk on Mansion Row - a series of impressive summer "cottages" from the gilded age, overlooking the Atlantic. Application information available at : www.grc.uri.edu
Biology of Disease Vectors Course, emphasizing modern molecular and quantitative approaches and networking among scientists worldwide to control vectors and vector-borne diseases, will be offered at Colorado State University from June 13 - 26, 2004. Further information and application forms are available at www.sci-site.com/bdv
The Research Ethics Training Curriculum developed by Family Health International is available online in Spanish and French at more details
TDR News No. 71 (February 2004) highlighted UNICEF as a new co-sponsor of TDR (see UNICEF) and also the South-South Initiative (see SSI), a new TDR initiative aimed at promoting interaction and collaboration between researchers in disease-endemic countries. Write to owner-tdr-scientists@who.ch to have your name added in TDR mailing list.
Those interested in keeping up with the latest genomics news, resources and comprehensive links to networking organizations, etc., please visit www.scidev.net/genomics for details.
New features of SHARED SHARingpoint support German and Dutch language, News Service, News and World Health News. Those interested please visit at more details
Those who are interested in catching up SARS information, there is a website on Anti-SARS Bioinformatics at more details
The SSI website is now ALIVE. Kindly send news and useful information to share among SSI members at more details


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